What are the best ways to destroy the creation of jobs?

The demand for goods and services to fulfill our needs and wants IS what creates job opportunities.

The INCENTIVE TO EARN money by providing the goods and services that are in demand is what creates jobs.

To destroy the creation of jobs it is important to REDUCE THE INCENTIVE to create jobs.

The demand for goods and services to fulfill our needs and wants is what creates job opportunities. When you raise taxes on individuals or businesses, you reduce the means available to purchase goods and services. When you reduce the means to purchase goods and services, you reduce the demand for goods and services. When you reduce the demand for goods and services, you reduce job opportunities. To destroy the creation of jobs it is important to raise taxes especially in a slumping economy.

The incentive to earn money by providing the goods and services that are in demand is what creates jobs. To destroy the incentive for job creation, you need to increase the costs of permit fees, escalate the costs of compliances to new government regulations and impose higher and higher tax rates. This raises the cost of doing business, reduces profit and destroys incentives to stay in business which is important in reducing job opportunities.


A large percentage of the population is living paycheck to paycheck. When government takes more money away from individuals or families in the form of taxes, they now have even less money to buy the goods or services that they need or want.

When government raises the cost of doing business, businesses need to raise prices to cover the costs of doing business. When the costs of goods or services go up, it reduces the purchasing power even more for people living paycheck to paycheck.

When the government takes more money away from individuals and businesses, it reduces demand for goods or services which reduces job opportunities, which reduces demand.

It is therefore important to raise taxes on the dwindling number of tax payers to support a government that refuses to budget its own spending.


  • In order for businesses to make a profit, the price of goods and services has to be balanced between the means of the consumer and the costs of doing business. If the means of the consumer is decreasing and the costs of doing business is increasing, businesses are basically squeezed out of existence. To squeeze business out of existence and destroy the creation of jobs, you need to increase the costs of permit fees, escalate the costs of compliances to new government regulations, impose higher and higher tax rates and reduce the ability of the business to make a profit. This destroys the opportunity for the creation of jobs.
  • Businesses need to do business with other businesses to trade the raw goods or services needed for producing the finished products. In order to stay in business, each business needs to pass on the added costs of government including tax hikes onto the price of goods or services it trades with other businesses. This of course adds to the costs of the raw goods that businesses need in order to produce the products that finally end up in the market place. The accumulated effect of raising taxes and other government costs on businesses raises the price of goods and services considerably in the market place and reduces the demand for those goods or services. This destroys the opportunity for the creation of jobs
  • It is a well-known phenomena that when prices drop, sales increase. So the price of goods and services has a lot to do with the sales of goods and services. The minimum price of goods and services is determined by the costs of bringing the goods or services to the market. In order for a company to stay in business and create jobs, the price of goods and services that a business charges needs to cover the costs of bringing those goods or services to the market. To destroy the creation of jobs it is important to keep prices high to reduce the demand for goods and services.
  • To destroy the creation of jobs, you need to add additional expenses to the cost of bringing the goods and services to the market. To destroy the creation of jobs, you need to increase the costs of permit fees, escalate the costs of compliances to new government regulations and impose higher and higher tax rates. This raises the price of the goods and services at the market place. To destroy job creation you need to make it more difficult for businesses to do business. To destroy job creation, you need to create a hostile business environment.
  • It is easier to create jobs than it is to destroy the creation of jobs. To create jobs, government just needs to get out of the way and let the free market take care of itself. To destroy the creation of jobs, the government needs to create massive government bureaucracies at the expense of the job creators to create policies that stand in the way of the creation of jobs.
  • Raising taxes and imposing more and more costly government regulations onto the cost of doing business in a sluggish economy exasperates a downward spiral path of economic destruction. To destroy the economy you need to raise taxes and impose more and more costly government regulations onto the cost of doing business especially in a sluggish economy.
  • Raising taxes and other government costs on businesses are actually hidden taxes on the consumer. What helps to destroy the creation of jobs and confidence in the market place is to blame the escalating price of goods and services on those "greedy businesses" and "greedy CEOs". It helps if you can demonize "profit" as a dirty word, also. This deflects the attention off the real cause and puts the blame on the people who actually want grow their business, create more jobs and lower prices at the market place to increase sales.
  • What also helps to destroy jobs is to lend political clout and rhetoric to pit the employee unions against the employer; the workers against the job creators. This helps to destroy relations between the employees, management and employers.


Often, big labor organizations are willing to drive a company, City, State or this Country into bankruptcy to negotiate higher and higher labor and benefit costs without increasing production value under the guise of supporting the workers. When a business downsizes in order to make a profit, how does this benefit the workers? Organized labor often destroys the opportunity for the creation of jobs rather than supports the opportunity for the creation of jobs.

Much of the organized labor leadership have been co-opted by the "progressive" ideology whose policies and practices are anti-business. Anti-business policies are antipathetic to the creation of jobs.

Organized labor leadership has defeated their original purpose by pricing labor out of viable labor costs. The price of goods and services do have a ceiling at which point the bulk of the consumers no longer have the means to participate in the market. If labor costs become such an expense that the cost to produce the goods and services are no longer viable, then the company has no choice but to go bankrupt.

The ever increasing labor costs without increasing value have been the cause of many people losing their jobs. The ever increasing cost of labor for businesses and Cities has caused many good companies and even some Cities to go bankrupt. (The most recent Cities to go bankrupt are Stockton and San Bernardino, California in July 2012 and Chicago, Ill in July of 2013).

Some large businesses have the means to absorb a limited increase of labor costs for a limited time but, when you couple the ever increasing costs of labor with the increase in business costs of government regulations and the increase in taxes, plus a lower demand for goods and services, businesses are being squeezed out of doing business. Is it any wonder why business that can afford it seek to find a better business climate overseas? When businesses are forced to go overseas to make a profit in a competitive global market place, it reduces the creation of jobs locally.


John Stossel - How Government Creates Crony Capitalism  

By: selfownership1

When government uses public money (taxes taken from private businesses and citizens) to start crony businesses, it makes it hard for the free market and private companies to compete.

When government uses public money to buy businesses, it is competing with private businesses, it is circumventing the free market system.

When government uses public money to bailout businesses, bad business policies are rewarded and not corrected.

When government uses public money to bail out some businesses and not others, government is choosing winners and losers; and not the free market system. 

To help destroy the creation of jobs, it is important for government to get involved in business and choose which company, which industries should fail and which should succeed by reason of campaign donations. A new wave of crony capitalism is great for destroying the creation of jobs.


Another good way to destroy jobs and crash the economy is to destroy confidence in the economy. When the economy is strong, you can destroy the economy by claiming that it is the "worst economic crises since the Great Depression". If you repeat this forcefully enough and often enough, you can destroy the confidence in the economy. This helps to reduce foreign investments and confidence in the leadership. This is important if you wish to slow down the flow of money and reduce the creation of jobs.


Another good way to destroy the creation of jobs is to punish American companies that wish to bring money into the US from its foreign investments. US companies overseas get taxed for profits it makes in that country. To help stifle more job creation here, it is very important to levy another 35-40% tax on the money coming back into the US.


The life blood of the economy is energy. Energy such as gas, oil, coal, natural gas, electricity is vital in the production and transportation of goods and services. An abundant supply of energy would drive the costs of energy down. If you have low energy costs, it costs less for job creators to bring the goods and services to the market.

Of course lower production costs translate into lower prices of goods and services at the market place. The problem with that is, if you lower the price of goods and services at the market place, there will be more demand for goods and services which translates into the creation of more jobs. That is not what we need and want now is it.

What is really important is to block all access to energy resources except resources from countries that hate us.

Have you heard of the "keystone pipeline"? It is a proposed oil pipeline running from Canada to Texas. It would create an energy source from a country friendly to the United States and reduce our dependence on oil from people that want to destroy us. The proposed pipeline would create an estimated 200,000 jobs. So you can see why it is important to block this mammoth job creation project.

Did you know that oil companies provide jobs for millions of our fellow countrymen and women, put billions of dollars at risk to do exploration for oil and spend billions more on bringing that oil to the market? For all they do, oil companies end up making only .2 cents profit on a gallon of gas.

The government does no work; employs no one to aide in the production of oil; actively impedes in the exploration and production of oil and yet still takes taxes of 26 to 66 cents in state and federal taxes on every gallon of gas sold at the pump.

Posted By: giramino

To aide in the destruction of job creation, it is important to deflect attention away from policies that drive up energy costs. Blame it on those greedy oil barrens for price gauging. Demonize them in front of congress and the whole world.

To aide in the destruction of job creation, it helps to call legitimate tax deductible business expenses, a government subsidy. That is also important to help turn the consumer against the energy producers.

To aide in the destruction of job creation, it is important to demonize those "greedy oil barrens". It is even more important to demonize the whole oil industry from the highest office in the land.


Government seeks to levy fees on the private sector wherever and whenever it can get away with it. Government had nothing to do with the creation of the wealth it takes from the private sector. Isn't it amazing to hear public sector politicians point to the private sector producers and accuse them of being "greedy"?


Another great way to destroy job creation is by creating a massive welfare state. If you can manage to destroy enough jobs, you manage to get more people on government handouts (welfare). Once people find that they can survive just fine relying on government handouts and not have to work, it becomes quite addicting. Many welfare recipients find that they can actually receive more benefits by living off government handouts than they can by working at minimum wage at some old boring job. What helps to destroy jobs is to create a disincentive to work.

If you ensure that the handouts is equal to or considerable more than someone working at minimum wage, then you can reduce the labor pool at the low income level and force labor costs to go up for unskilled labor.

You now get a voting bloc that is addicted to government handouts that has the voting power to vote into power their own welfare caretakers. It is important to establish this massive voting bloc dependent on government handouts to ensure that the people most adept at destroying the creation of jobs remain in power.

What also helps to destroy the creation of jobs is; once you get a majority of the population to be below a level to not have to pay income tax, you can have a majority of the population voting for policies that increase the taxes on the minority and "those filthy rich" to make sure that THEY "pay their fair share".

The money for the massive welfare costs has to be taken away from the job creators to pay for this ever expanding welfare state. The more money you can take from the producers to give to the non-producers, the less money there is available to reinvest in the business structure that creates jobs.


Let's describe fairness as a right to equal results instead of equal opportunity. After all, it is not fair that just because you worked hard that you should feel entitled to keep what you have earned. You are selfish if you do not share what you earned with those that did not earn it. To destroy the creation of jobs, it is important to demonize incentives to create a better life for you and your family as being greedy.


Business in Obama's America - Posted By: The ACU

Do you know what is so good about raising the cost of doing business in the US? It destroys the creation of jobs in the US by forcing companies that can afford it, to move overseas. If you wish to destroy the creation of jobs in the US; it is important to support and maintain policies that have driven other businesses overseas in the past.

(Disclaimer: We are private citizens just expressing an observation. We respect the fact that you may disagree with the expressed point of view. You have a right to your own reality. You are welcome to communicate your reality of agreement or disagreements below.)


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